What is Locked-in Syndrome
Guys! You will be shocked to listen that such a syndrome also exists in this world. we often see lots of people around us. Some of them suffer from different diseases but it is quite an awful syndrome. It generally affects 1% of people who have a stroke. It is such a condition for which there is no treatment available. It is tremendously rare for the patients to recover any extensive motor functions. I also listen to this syndrome first time while watching the Korean web series DOCTORS. Otherwise, I never knew like such a syndrome also exists among others. When I listen about this syndrome from that website. I became curious about it like what is it. In that webserie, they also showed that LIS syndrome is too severe and does not have any treatment to cure patients.
Locked-In Syndrome is also known as pseudocoma. It is a type of condition in which a patient is aware but cannot communicate verbally or move due to full paralysis of nearly all voluntary muscles in the body except eye movement vertically and blinking. In this syndrome, an individual is sufficiently conscious and possesses intact cognitively to be able to communicate with eye movements. While Total locked-in syndrome or completely locked-in state is a version of locked-in syndrome wherein eyes are also paralyzed. It is a pathetic situation for health professionals because still there is no cure. The Discovery of this syndrome is coined by Fred lum and Jerome B. Posner in 1966.
Sign and Symptoms
It is generally characterized by quadriplegia in which an individual loses limn function, and inability to speak. In that situation, patient enables to communicate with others through the coded message by moving or blinking their eyes. Which are often not affected by the paralysis. Patient with this syndrome is conscious, aware along with no loss of cognitive functions. Even they can retain sensation throughout their bodies as well proprioception means the sense of self-movement and body movement. However, several patients may have the ability to move certain facial muscles or some extraocular muscles. The individual with this Locked In Syndrome lacks coordination between voice and breathing which ultimately prevents them from developing voluntary sounds.
Generally, in a normal situation, upper portions of the brain are damaged harshly while lower portions are spared. But Locked-In Syndrome is opposite from other situations such as it is caused by damage to specific portions of the lower brain as well as brainstem with no damage to the upper portion. There are several other causes of this syndrome such as poisoning cases, brainstem stroke, disease of the circulatory system, medication overdose, damage to nerve cells, brain haemorrhage etc.
Diagnosis and Treatment
A 2002 survey of 44 people with Locked-In Syndrome took around three months to recognize and diagnose the condition after it had started. In this syndrome, a patient may mimic loss of consciousness or may lose control in the respiratory, which may even resemble death. Currently, neither a standard treatment nor cure is available.
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Tada for now!😊😊😊